We require Print ready PDF, this means;
- Files are in PDF Format
- Files created and set to the correct size
- Pages have a 5mm Safe Zone” – keeping text 5mm away from the edges
- Have 3mm Bleed margin on all edges and trim lines (where applicable)
- Exported As CMYK colour profile (preferred)
- Correct margins for binding style (where applicable)
If you do not have a Print Ready PDF, need some help or want some reassurance
Our checking service will
- Check the PDF page size versus the order and if necessary, scale equally (without distorting the artwork)
- Where it is not possible to scale the artwork equally – This will normally add white margins to the top and bottom or left and right depending on the original size
- Check the bleed margins and safe zones – is there enough space so the text / image will not be clipped?
- Where this is a problem, we will attempt to fix the issues by adding a bleed if possible or trimming slightly differently.
- Identify obvious print defects – We will contact you with the specifics of the issue.
We will also
- Contact you with any issues identified that cannot be fixed or pass you the files we have amended that require approval.
- Confirm that all checks have been completed.
- Confirm that your order has been processed and when it is scheduled for collection or dispatch.
- Share with you next working day tracking information (direct from DPD)
We Will NOT:
- Proof read the content of any document
- Identify spelling or grammatical errors
Checking service is by product not by order.